Energy Healing + Intuitive Life Coaching

Hi, I’m Johanna.

I’m an energy healer and intuitive practitioner, amongst other things. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my two teenage children and husband.

I’ve been on my spiritual journey for many years now and my path just keeps unfolding and evolving to my amazement. 

For 20+ years, I worked in the corporate world and achieved a great deal of success. But despite the outward appearance of having a “great” career, I secretly felt unfulfilled, unhappy, and disconnected from my true self. It wasn’t until I endured a series of mental and physical breaking points that I finally realized the effects that this misalignment was causing me. 

I knew I needed to make a change. With that, I decided to take a leap of faith and leave my corporate career to truly focus on myself and embark on a deeper journey of self-discovery and healing. Through this process, I discovered my true calling as a healer.  I now use my gifts, learnings, and personal experience to help others.

My passion and purpose is to help others align with their heart’s desires, their soul mission, their life purpose, and their higher self’s wisdom, so they can live their most authentic and joyful life.

My approach is holistic and intuitive. I believe that healing must happen on all levels – physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual – for true transformation to take place. I use a variety of modalities and tools to help my clients identify the root cause of their challenges, release blockages and patterns that no longer serve them, and tap into their inner wisdom to create the life they truly desire.

If you are ready to embark on your own healing and wellness journey, it would be my privilege to journey with you towards your most authentic and joyful life.