Sample Questions to Ask Your Higher Self

Personal Life, Relationships, Work/Career, Finances Questions:

  • What is my life’s purpose?

  • What is my path in this life?

  • What did I come to do in this life?

  • What life lessons did I come here to learn?

  • What is the role of a friend or family member in my life?

  • Why do I have issues with a friend or family member?

  • How can I resolve issues with friends or family members?

  • How can I meet people I connect with?

  • Will I meet my soulmate?

  • Am I in the right job/career?

  • What type of job or career should I pursue in this life?

  • Why am I struggling financially?

  • How can I create abundance in my life?

  • How can I be a better parent for my children?

  • What do my children want me to know about them?

  • How can I best support my spouse?

  • Where is the best place for me to live?

  • How do I overcome blocks in my life?

  • Why do I continue to repeat the same patterns in my life?

  • What is the most important thing for me to know at this time?

Health & Healing Questions:

  • Why am I experiencing certain health issues?

  • How can I heal a specific issue?

  • Where did this issue come from?

  • What is the best diet for me?

  • What are the best supplements for me to take?

  • How can I live the healthiest life possible?

  • Why do I struggle to lose weight?

  • What is the best way for me to get healthy and in shape?

  • Why do I experience depression or anxiety?

  • How can I let go of hurt and anger?

  • How can I heal from a traumatic experience?

  • How can I overcome certain fears and phobias?

  • How can I overcome an addiction?

  • Are my chakras clear and balanced?

  • What is the best way for me to meditate?

Spiritual & Paranormal Questions:

  • Am I a Starseed?

  • What is my planet or place of origin as a soul?

  • Are my children or spouse Starseeds?

  • How can I have a stronger connection to my higher guidance?

  • What is the best way for me to connect and receive messages from my guides?

  • How can I access my gifts and abilities?

  • Questions about alien or UFO experiences.

  • Questions about paranormal or strange experiences.

  • What is my connection to angels or other spiritual beings?

  • Have I had a past or parallel life with a specific person in my life?